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Israeli Company Help FBI Unlock iPhone

Benyamin Manggaprow | Friday, March 25, 2016 | 0 komentar

Cellebrite Device
Israeli company that provides mobile forensic software, Cellebrite, helping the FBI to unlock the iPhone that is used by one of the shooters San Bernardino, California.

This was disclosed by the newspaper Yedioth Ahronot, quoted by Reuters on Thursday (03/24/2016). If Cellebrite works, according to unnamed sources in the newspaper, the FBI would no longer need the help of Apple.

Unfortunately, Cellebrite declined to comment. Previous Apple and the US Justice Department is scheduled to face in court on Tuesday (22/03/2014) yesterday.

However, on Monday (21/03/2014), a federal judge approved a government request to postpone the hearing after prosecutors said a "third party" has provided a possible method to unlock the iPhone that has been encrypted.

Cellebrite is a subsidiary of Japan Sun Corp., which had revenues between the two businesses: forensic systems used by law enforcement, military, and intelligence that takes the data hidden in mobile devices, and technologies for mobile retailers.


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